
偉思教研團隊精心遴選知名的自然拼讀法教材,配合趣味性的插圖、互動遊戲,從自讀,拆分導讀,準確跟讀再到流利自讀的循環練習方法,讓他們在遊戲中學習,在學習中遊戲。生動有趣的訓練讓孩子達到「聽音能寫,看字能讀」, 輕松掌握初級英語中的 780個高頻詞,為孩子打下牢固的英語基礎(並有配套繪本閱讀)。學前閱讀課程以積累Sight Words為主,即繪本初級階段220個常見字,有利於提高學生閱讀速度和效率。

適應年齡:5歲~ 8歲
上課形式:VIP 1對1

GK course include phonics and wonders reading/writing. Phonics is the international mainstream method of English teaching. It is widely used in English-speaking countries, and it has been recognized the world over as the most effective way to learn English.  Combination of educational games and learning is to create a relaxed learning atmosphere.

Adaptation Level:  Zero Based
Suitable age: 5~8 years old
Total:90 lessons/Grade, Twice a week
Class Structure:    VIP 1 to 1 Interaction
Teaching objectives:  Read the alphabet and phonics combination, to read without having to memorize it. To train the ability of basic reading picture book and the daily dialogue with foreign teachers. It can reach the Grade 2 English level of domestic primary school.