

作為肯為孩子的教育付出大量時間、精力和金錢的中國家庭,孩子在成長過程中性格的缺失、學業的中斷,對中國家庭都是不小的打擊。在中國,大部分的孩子無法選擇國際學校或出國留學,還有一些孩子離開父母和家庭在年紀很小的時候選擇出國留學所帶來情感的疏離也 會導致種種心理問題……

偉思東方 . 國際教育(在線中心)集北美教學和教研基地以及北京的運營服務中心,幫助學生們實現英語本土化國家學業的無縫鏈接。教學內容涵蓋語言藝術、科學、數學、學術寫作、美國歷史、世界歷史、公共演講、批判性思維、托福學習、面試技巧準備等等十幾門課程。由於偉思完成了優質教育“保鮮”的傳遞,使偉思成為美國私立中小學留學生指定合作培訓中心。在偉思學習的高中課程,可以計入加州正規高中學分,修滿之後可得到該高中的正式畢業證,此學分被美國正規註冊大學所認可。

偉思東方 . 國際教育(在線中心)結合國際先進的教育理念和優質的教育資源,通過在線互動教學,將美國K-12 學科教育配備優良的師資真正引入中國,為5-18 歲的孩子提供與國際課程無縫連接的教育服務。

願景:培養中國的年輕人成為具有國際視野, 融匯中西的新一代世界公民。






偉思國際教育可根據不同學生需求設置適合其學習進度和方式的個性化學習,由此激發每個學生的最大潛能。1 對1 的教學體系, 註重學生的內在喜好和選擇,為每一個孩子量身定製合適他/她的課程進度,我們的服務體系將全力支持孩子在愉快、自由的心境下,好奇而興奮的接收知識,體會未知的奇妙、探索的樂趣。




偉思將理解和融匯多元文化看得和語言學習、學科學習同樣重要。教學上選擇長期生活在北美、英國和澳洲的本土教師,教材的插圖、格式、地道小短語,甚至包括所使用的授課軟件,都與美國當下實時對接。文化的氛圍是無法用公式或語法量化傳授的,偉思幫助學生開啟眼、口、耳、腦、意識與潛意識的完整感知系統, 讓多元文化的融入成為一種自然而然的過程,不止是將學到的語言、知識用在日常的生活,而是真正理解西方文化和思維方式, 將學到的知識內化為自身的素養。


偉思將教育理念背後的深刻人文關懷轉化為為學生提供優質完整,與美國本土同步的K-12 學科體系。完備的學科體系、科學的進階製度為學生學習提供堅實的保障。



Learning without Limits – Set Your Children on a Path to Success

With our comprehensive 1:1 teaching we are able to prepare your son or daughter for study in the US, giving them a wide-ranging education with the latest US textbooks, based on US Common Core State Standards. We also support students once they arrive and are studying in High School or University, with follow up classes. As we are US based we have a clear understanding of the educational requirements. We know that some students who have not had our thorough preparation cannot cope with the American system of education and need to unfortunately withdraw.  

Wise Online Education has a teaching and research base in North America with a center in Beijing, to help students successfully make the transition to a Western Country and the educational system. . Our courses cover language art, science, mathematics, public speaking, American history, TOEFL etc., and many other courses which prepare students for study in America, including interview training.,

Wise is a designated training center for international students in both primary & middle schools, and gives the opportunity for students to enroll in private schools the United States. Learning the high school courses through Wise, will enable Wise student’s results to be credited to the private high school in California. If the students receive enough credits, a formal graduation certificate is available for submission to the high school in the United States, and the credit is then recognized by the school or a university.

Wise Online Education engages excellent teachers to teach the US K-12 education system, providing the education services of international programs for children in 5-18 years of age, matched with professional teachers..

Wise is committed to the global integration of educational resources through the Internet. To training the creativity, curiosity and imagination of students and giving them the confidence and language skills to be able to excel in the English Language, while all the time encouraging them to become all-round talented students, with an international vision.

Vision:  to train young people in China to become the new generation of world citizens.

Advantages & Service of Wise

Student-Centered Education

Students and teachers have a rapport with each other. Students can have a discussion with a teacher. Teachers encourage students to ask questions, read, think investigate or other activities, and encourage them to analyze and solve problems on their own.

Personalized and Comprehensive Professional Teaching Services

Personalized learning can be set according to the needs of different students, thereby stimulating the maximum potential of each student.

Treasure Learning Process and Ability

Do not emphasize the memory of knowledge, pay more attention to the method and ability of acquire knowledge.

Study / Understand Multi-cultural and Improve the Whole Humanistic Quality

Help students to really understand western culture and the mode of thinking, engaging the knowledge into your own accomplishment.

Complete Homogeneous & Synchronism Curriculum System in the United States:
Wise provides the K-12 education system that is synchronized with the United States. Complete discipline system and scientific advanced system which provides a solid background for studentsStudy / Understand Multi-cultural and Improve the Whole Humanistic Quality
Help students to really understand western culture and the mode of thinking, engaging the knowledge into your own accomplishment.

Perfect Guarantee of Teaching Quality

All of teachers are from English-speaking countries, like United States, Britain, Canada etc. and have a national teaching certificate or an international English teacher’s qualification certificate. They also have a wealth of teaching and life experience and understand the Western Culture.